Honor the Badge…and the People Behind It Celebration
Sunday, September 11th at 4:30 pm
A September 11th celebration to honor our area police officers
Area municipalities have been asked to declare Sunday, September 11th as “Honor the Badge” Day. Willmar Area Faith@Work will host a celebration for area law enforcement officers. The celebration will honor police officers and county deputies in response to recent shootings and other attacks on police officers in Minnesota and across the United States the past few months.
Several area churches have joined with Faith@Work to be part of this celebration. A short worship service is planned that will include friendly competition between departments, prayer, a token of appreciation for all officers, and appropriate comments. The program will end with the singing of “God Bless America.”
The celebration is open to the entire community, community members are encouraged to attend to show their support for local law enforcement officers. The celebration, “Honor the Badge…and the People Behind It” will be held at Robbins Island on Sunday, September 11th at 4:30pm. Bring a lawn chair and join us in honoring our area police officers and county deputies.