LifeKeys: Discover Who You Are
Monday, April 11th at 6:30 pm
LifeKeys, a seven-week journey to discover and affirm what you do best, the places and atmospheres that will give you the most energy, and your purpose in life, will be offered at First Covenant Church from 6:30 – 8:00 p.m., Monday evenings, April 11 – May 23, 801 Willmar Ave SW, Willmar (across from Hodapp Field). Cost for the course is $16, which includes a book and materials. Members of the community are warmly invited to participate; call the church office (320.235.3010) to register or for more information.
LifeKeys is for many people – those wanting to discover who they are on a deeper level, people working on teams, those going through life or job transitions, and emerging and developing leaders. LifeKeys offers a variety of widely-recognized leadership development tools to help discern work styles and personality types, along with identifying spiritual gifts. The theories behind the Myers-Briggs© and Strong Interest Inventory© utilized in LifeKeys are two of the most widely accepted research tools used worldwide. Your self-discovery will allow you to create an action plan at the end of the course that you can use right away in your daily life, workplace, church, or in the community.
Steve Eng and Sonya Peterson serve as guides for the LifeKeys course. Steve has taught LifeKeys multiple times, and brings experience and education in organizational development, leadership, and personality, spiritual gift and career assessments. He currently serves as pastor of outreach and worship at First Covenant Church, Willmar. Sonya worked in the educational field for years, both as a teacher and a school principal in the New London-Spicer Schools. She has a passion for helping people discover their unique pathway in life.
For more course info or to register, contact [email protected] or 320.235.3010.